It's tough to get back into things after a vacation. We got back at the end of April, and that sort of of lead into this month being mainly a resting period for some much needed errand-running, future planning and even some thrifting here and there.
One of the very first days back my mom and I went for a good Value Village hunt as we often do. I came back with this chair for three dollars! Eventually I want to change the fabric on its seat cushion, but for now it looks pretty darn cute in this corner of my living room.
I have stumbled upon a few retro patterned clothing in the last month. More than I ever have. I can't wait to get these two in the shop among a couple others. I am planning something special for my vintage shop in the next little while. I usually just have my clothing on hangers in my shop listing photos, but in the next little while I'll be reshooting everything with live models to best show off the clothes. I think I'll use my go-to gal, my sister Erin. I might even do a few myself. We'll see!
All I know is background decorations for the photos need to be made!!
Recently we had our 2nd house anniversary. The house itself was built in 1950, but we've only known it for two years. This house is a vintage dream, but it has it's problems as all old, fixer-upper homes do. We are slowly finishing it up room by room. I always feel self-conscious about it in the summer, because it's easy to spot the outside problems, like our crumbling front step or our leaning fence. I just have to remind myself we'll get there in time. This house deserves a lot of love and we're totally willing to put in the time to get it back where it should be.
I tend to spend a lot of time at home, because that's where most of my hobbies and interests take place. It's tough for me to break away from that, because it seems like theres always something to do at the house. I always have to remind myself to stop being such a hermit, because it can and will go completely unnoticed by me. In the last year I've spent lots of time rekindling friendships with old friends, and going out more. It's been so nice having an added support system, especially of people who know me really, really well. And of course, going out more means getting dressed up more and I'm totally into that.
It's been raining a lot lately. I love staying indoors, hearing the raindrops at our old windows. Night times here have been consisting of movie watching and the occasional bowl of popcorn.
I am not the only thrifter in our household. My fiancé (Oh, that's still weird for me!) has his favourite things to look for too. We recently went thrifting together, which is a rarity. He found this truly amazing 1970s receiver for our record player. We've waited since our apartment days for a good one. Now it's all hooked up in the living room and sounds crisp and clear. I've been playing Henry Mancini's soundtrack for Breakfast at Tiffany's a lot and I can't get enough! I'm in a Sixties sort of mood right now.
This month is winding down, but the busiest summer is ahead. My mom is selling her house. My dad bought a cabin. I'll be busy helping them both. On my own end, there's house renovations to plan for, shop updates to do and somewhere in there we'll start wedding plans.
I hope May has been a good month for you!
Marissa xo